Clamcleats Limited. General conditions applying to Quotations for Designs, Tooling and Parts. 

Dated 23 September 2014.

These general conditions apply to qualify any specification for the goods or services to be supplied by Clamcleats Ltd, and are in addition to any conditions stated in the quotation text and Clamcleats Ltd standard Terms and Conditions for the supply of Goods and/or Services.

Whilst Clamcleats Ltd may offer advice and assistance, the customer is wholly responsible for the design of any products and tooling and the specification for any goods, and for ascertaining the suitability of any design or specification for its purposes. The design specification shall be provided by the customer and the customer is wholly responsible for any omissions in information or samples supplied, whether requested by Clamcleats Ltd or not. Should any rework by Clamcleats Ltd be required, there will be additional charges

Clamcleats Ltd retains all intellectual property rights on any of its technology incorporated into custom designs and will therefore retain joint copyright on the finished design.  The commission of a custom design does not infer any right by the customer to use or alter or disseminate any element of that design relevant to Clamcleats Ltd’s intellectual property.

Design and manufacture of new products and tooling is inevitably a work in progress and tolerance levels cannot be accurately anticipated. Any specifications agreed by Clamcleats Ltd are estimates based on its understanding of generally accepted industry standards, and are subject to reasonable variations in tolerance.

The customer accepts the commercial risk that any agreed specification may need to be altered to address issues discovered during the design and manufacture of tooling and products. In this case the change control provisions in clause 7 of Clamcleats Ltd’s terms and conditions may be invoked, and the customer recognises that this may entail additional charges.

During the course of tooling manufacture, parts may be approved with different tolerance levels or other specifications from those previously set out in any specification or in any previous drawings or otherwise previously agreed. The customer shall be responsible for producing any revised drawings, but the parts and related tooling shall be deemed to meet the required specification regardless of whether revised drawings are produced.

Once a design or sample is produced, it is the customer’s responsibility to check its fitness for purpose. Approval of any design or tooling or any part or sample will be deemed to have been given three weeks after submission for approval, unless Clamcleats Ltd has received a rejection from the Customer in writing.

Once any design or tooling or sample has been approved (or deemed to be approved), it shall be deemed to meet the relevant specification.

As each tool is in effect a one off, lead times are best estimates of what could be achieved and may vary depending on how busy Clamcleats Ltd is at the time of order. Lead times should be discussed again at point of order.

Each tooling quotation is valid for 4 weeks from the date of quotation. After this time, Clamcleats Ltd reserves the right to re-quote.

See quotation for specific terms regarding:-

  • Any specific part tolerances
  • Payment terms
  • Freight on tooling
  • Lead times
  • Visits to toolmaker
  • Materials to be used
  • Sample quantities
  • Any additional jigs & fixtures

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